Are you looking forward to downing a few mojitos and shaking your money-maker amongst friends at this year’s Carnaval Brasileiro in Austin? If so, don’t forget to make arrangements for your four-legged family members and the sooner the better. After all, pooches love to party too but they won’t be able to join you at the Palmer Events Center. Consequently, you’ll want to hook them up with a doggy sleepover and VIP’s best pet sitters in Austin are more than happy to help fill up your dog’s social calendar.

Granted, our doggy sleepovers don’t feature the samba dancing and mojitos you’ll be enjoying at the Carnaval Brasileiro. But they will be filled with fun, friends, fresh water and whatever else your pup will need to happily get through the night. So you’ll be able to party the evening away in complete confidence, knowing that Rover will be having a great time too. Oh, and if you have a little too much hair of the dog don’t worry. VIP pet sitters can also provide other services that will help care for your dog while you take care of yourself. For example, our pet camp program and dog walkers can help keep Fido busy during the day. Plus, we offer pooper scooper services that will help ensure you and your friends won’t be stumbling into a stinky mess on your way back to the front door.

However, it is important that you reach out to us now if you’ve never booked with VIP before. That way, we can introduce ourselves to your pet so he or she won’t feel anxious when the day of the carnaval arrives. Then we can go over everything that you’d like to have done while you’re living it up at the Palmer Events Center. You’ll also have a chance to ask questions and learn more about our suite of pet focused services. To get the ball rolling before the carnaval beads start to fly, please contact us online or by phone today.

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