Labrittnie & LunaResident Pets

I have a 1-year old cat named Luna Lovegood who I rescued and nursed to health from a small kitten. She is a diva and loves to get her way. Her hobbies include: Eating, Napping, hide and seek and watching people and cars from the windows. Also My grandmother and I take care of stray cat and her 4 kittens. Their names are Sirius Black, Mietta, Henrietta, Rusty Wallace, and Fred. They love to play and run around the yard all day, then at night they all cuddle up together in bed.

Your most memorable time with a pet you’ve owned or taken care of.

Once I sat for a family with two dogs who loved to swim after their afternoon walks. Almost every day of the sitting the dogs and I were in the pool having the best time. Being able to swim with them was definitely a fun experience and the cutest thing ever.

Why you became a pet sitter/dog walker!

I really enjoy spending time and bonding with animals. I feel that pets are truly an extension of family and should be cared for in the same manner.

Why do you love working with animals & how long have you worked with them?

While searching for a career I found that helping animals came very natural to me, and since then I have set a goal to help and advocate for them. I find caring for pets brings a great joy to my life and I want to help as many as I can

All different types of pets you’ve worked with.

Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, guinea pig, and birds

What you think your pet(s) would say about you!!

I think my cat would say “My mom always has treats! Check her bag”

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