Resident Pets
I have two sweet babies, George and the Gronk. I adopted George from the pound as a tiny baby and he’s the love of my life–follows me everywhere, cries when I leave, my little black shadow. Gronk came from the side of the road in Dallas, super scrawny and covered in ticks and fleas. He’s also very sweet but more of an opportunist, his loyalty lies with whoever has food. Even at 12lbs he thinks he’s the boss!
What is the funniest or most memorable experience you’ve have with an animal?
When George was a baby I was listening to the Dirty Dancing soundtrack and did the whole lift dance scene with him as Baby. And my roommate recorded it. Available upon request!
Why do you love working with animals?
Absolute unconditional love.
What is your ultimate goal in life?
To be happy and makes others happy.