pet sitter christy

Tell us about your pets?

I don’t have any fur babies of my own but feel like I have hundreds. They are all my babies. They are all family.

What is the funniest or most memorable experience you’ve have with an animal?

I guess the funniest experience I had was playing, “Catch Me If You Can” with a roommates dog at the time. She, Samus, is a large German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, and Rottweiler mix who would chase you around the wall separating the living room and hall of our old house. Due to the hard floors, many times it was hard for either of us to keep our balance.

Why do you love working with animals?

They can brighten anyone’s day! They bring a sense of peace.

What is your ultimate goal in life?

To continue to improve on my overall health.

What do our pet friends teach us?

They teach us forgiveness, unconditional love, how to care for someone else and creative ways to communicate and make friends. To just enjoy the moment and let the rest fade away.

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